Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Warning- Not About Any One Couple

This is a general commentary on relationships in general, if you think this is about you or your current relationship, you obviously need to do some self examining. With this said, this is not based on me either. I am not narcissistic enough to write about myself. i am not really that interesting of a person.

I find it very painful to watch couples just go through the motions with no real feeling or passion behind their actions. It is like watching a car crash in slow motion, you hate to see it, but you can’t look away. Every couple has a reason for it, some are just in temporary funks, and others know it is time to break up, but neither wants to go through the hassle. I am not sure if it is laziness or optimism that keeps these couples together. They think ‘eh whatever, I’m content’ or just maybe better times are around the bend. How long do you wait? Sure, friends, family, psychologists, will throw in their 2 cents, but none of that really matters, it is those actually involved that have to make the call. People are just looking for reassurance that they are making the right call in their life, they don’t want to hear the truth. In the end it is there life, no one is truly losing sleep over a flawed relationship, other then the people actually involved in it, and even then they may not be losing sleep over it.

The heart can want numerous things at the same time; I think that is why there are four chambers to every heart, plenty of room for storage. At some point you have to let go of the dusty old bland boy/girlfriend that is sitting there just as unsatisfied as you. Make room for something much bigger. Sure it is scary; no one truly likes the idea of being alone. You need to think of it as recycling; once you get rid of the old, both of you have the opportunity to find new people that will completely fill all four chambers of your heart and not just that one room. Your current ‘eh maybe it’s love’ will be someone else’s Noah. And you will find someone else’s recycled lover and be truly and deeply happy for the first time in your life. Of course the true irony of this, is that it is so easy to talk about, but never easy to do. Actually, not sure that is irony at all, it is actually just depressing.

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