Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Food For Thought

I have many pet peeves, some just (people that text while driving) and some not so just (people that have never heard of the movie Labyrinth). People that take pictures of their food and then post it on Facebook or Twitter fall somewhere in between those two. What is the point of it? To show people what you are about to eat? To brag about how you made this fancy dish that any one who could read and follow directions could make? It makes no sense to me and bothers me. I don’t believe it is jealousy, for usually the stuff I see doesn’t look that great. I like to think the same people that take pictures of their food, are the same people that if they ever become a serial killer would take pictures of there victims before killing them. The more I ponder this, the more fired up I get. What is next? Are these same people going to start taking pictures of random pairs of shoes or flip flops that they are currently wearing? I now feel like I need to do something even more absurd to top these people and I know exactly what it is. I am going to start posting pictures of my favorite trees. That is right. TREES. Arbor Day COME EARLY.


  1. To understand a love of taking pictures of delicious food, you have to understand a love of food. A deeply passionate love that makes the lover desire to share with the world what a beautiful, if fleeting romance it was.

  2. that is one of the most beautiful things i have ever read...but i read a lot of Dr. Seuss, so that might be why
