Tuesday, May 11, 2010

No Need to Stop Showering and Live in a Tree to Save the Earth

I am all about saving the environment and trying to prevent global warming and what not. I believe it stems from the fact I want to ‘leaf’ this world a better place for any future kids I may have. Granted I still eat meat, I rarely recycle, I don’t monitor my carbon footprint, and though my car is a hybrid, it is not the good kind (half car/half rust). So what am I doing to save the environment? A load of things, many of which I think everyone should adopt. They are easy, simple, and will not change how you live your life one bit.

1-Don’t drill for oil- I think we all know what happens when people that don’t know what they are doing, drill for oil (Reference British Petroleum)
2-Don’t start a paper company-I like trees, you like trees. If you’re going to start a paper company, at least make it a paperless paper company. Revolutionize the whole industry.
3-When visiting a national park, don’t set it on fire-This one is tough to do, for I know how much everyone loves to watch things burn.
4-Only use aerosol products inside- They can’t get to the ozone if they are trapped in the air in your attic. That’s just common sense mixed with some science.
5-Litter- This sounds bad, but our landfills are filling up and polluting the world around us, so instead of having 47 foot high mounds of trash stretching 36 square acres, have half an inch of litter almost everywhere? I believe it will biodegrade faster.
6-Don’t molest wild life- sure it might be funny to get a picture of you riding a goose at the park, but they do not enjoy it.

I am sure I could be doing more, but if I do more it would be inconvenient to my own life and why should I sacrifice my own life for the world around me, I am no Jesus. Also can one person really make that much of a difference on a large scale? Sure people will say it all starts with one, but you know what else usually starts with one and ends badly for all. CULTS. Think about that next time some environmentalist hipster tries to make you drink the save the earth kool-aid.

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