Tuesday, May 18, 2010

For The Birds

Is it awkward I keep binoculars in my car? It is totally for bird watching, I mean what other use could there be? I like to think when I use them it is fairly obvious, it’s not like my windows are tinted, and it would be dumb for me to just sit in my car and peer into people’s house windows or stare at people as they walk down the street. I love looking at birds from afar; I have seen so many different kinds thru my binoculars, red ones, blue ones, attractive ones, and ducks, some birds with very pretty tail feathers others with tail feathers that could use some work. None of that is awkward at all. It is natural, like nature, it is there to be observed. Sometimes to get a better look at the birds I have to hide in bushes so I don’t scare them off. Other times I climb up into trees to get a closer look, for binoculars can only magnify so much. I must say sometimes it gets really hot in the bush or tree and I am forced to remove my paints. Also it helps prevent me from ripping them on branches, for that would be embarrassing wandering around with ripped pants. So if you look out your window some time and you see me in a tree with no pants on and it appears that I am peering into your bathroom window, I am not looking at you, there is just a really cool bird on your roof. So no need to call the cops or get creeped out. I just realllly enjoy nature.

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