Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Seriously People

I really want to write something very deep and powerful, but I realize that is not an easy task to do while wearing a fake mustache. I shall try though. I feel like people don’t take me seriously and I can’t understand why? I have a feeling it comes from me finding humor in just about everything I encounter. I don’t take the world that seriously, which would make sense that it doesn’t take me seriously. Why should one take everything so serious, I believe the saying is “life is longer the more serious you take it,” which is true for if you make the wrong joke in front of the wrong person, you will get murdered. The South Park creatures are probably going to learn that the hard way, much like I will someday. I do understand that at times there are things you have to take seriously, which I do to some degree, but I see humor as being the condiment that makes everything taste better, like the world’s natural sour cream. For the record, I don’t see myself as being a funny person as much as I think I just see life in a whole different light then others due, which then leads to comedic interactions.

I find nothing more annoying/frustrating then people with no sense of humor. We all know the type, the ultra-serious that never laugh, never even attempt to make jokes and just basically complain about everything. These are not overly bad people, but I don’t want to be around them due to their ‘buzz killer’ mentality. It is also really hard to have an actual conversation with them thanks to their inability to pick up sarcasm or humor of any type. It is like having a face to face instant message with someone, with you always having to explain what everything meant. These people really only have two real purposes in this life. One, to make everyone else seem funnier and two, to do all the boring jobs no one with a sense of humor could do for long periods of time without going insane, like finance and accounting.

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