Monday, April 12, 2010

“Pact” and Ready

I really need stop making “marriage pacts” with women. If you are unfamiliar with the term a ‘marriage pact’ is when two people say “if we aren’t marred by (insert random age here) we will get married.” I currently have four of them in effect all for different ages (32, 34, 35, and 40), so my bases are very thoroughly covered. I take from this a few observations.

1-I am seen as marriage material, but not boyfriend material.
2-People just assume I will be single well into my thirties, thus making me a great safety.
3-Women believe I will age gracefully and will still be in great shape like Brad Pitt.
4-I am obviously an amazing lover.
5-I am crazy enough to actually follow thru with the pact

Logic would suggest it would be prudent of me to make as many of these pacts as possible to make sure that at some point I get married and have the ability to keep the “Christopher Wassie Gene Pool” moving on into the future. Also only 16% of women have never been married by age 35 (as of 2005 data, yes I did some research). Mix that in with the divorce rate; only 1 of my 4 will be available come marriage pact time (theoretically). So with all this great empirical data, why do I not want to make more pacts? It is very simple; it is easier to keep track of four options rather than fourteen. The fewer number of pacts also decreases the chance of a woman randomly showing up at my doorstep to propose, just to find out I accepted a previous marriage pact. I can assume it would cause a little bit of friction between the Mrs. and I, which I would like to avoid. No matter how hilarious I would find it, it would get old after the fifth time a woman showed up looking for marriage. For the record, I am not saying I am not going to make more pacts, for eventually they will start to marry off, but I should probably be a little more selective. Not that I regret any of the current pacts I have made…yet.


  1. I totally have one of those with T.A. The age is 28... it's getting a bit close!
