Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Lovely Fall

I wrote the following awhile ago and it is one of the favorite things I have ever written.

Melancholy music just sounds better when out in the fall weather with one’s crush. Certain albums just seem to have that sweatshirt wearing, hand-holding, wandering around in the fallen leaves feel to it. The faint crisp chill of the air adds to the ambiance of the whole experience. The random gusts of wind make you feel like you are alive and that life is wonderful. You feel completely content and genuinely happy for those brief moments as the songs play. It is almost as if each song was written about you, an ode to your life and the brief moments that make it up. Your mind drifts around like the blowing leaves, unable to focus on anything, but the small things. A slight smile creeps across your face, as you remember memories of love past. Your heart starts to race at the idea of love’s future, but the current moment is all that truly matters. The amber and gold surroundings, the feel of your skin against hers, no matter how slight it might be. The chills it brings both of you, each wondering if the other feels it, but neither willing to bring it up. Your eyes briefly meet between songs. Life is on pause for that second, it feels like an eternity. A snap shot you wish you could hold onto forever. You want to say so much, but the next song cuts you off before you can even move your lips. The two of you are moving with no real destination and no real purpose. You’re learning more about each other in the silence, then in the hundreds of conversations you’ve had before. The shared earbuds are transmitting more than just music, but small pieces of each other’s soul, song by song. Each piece has the warm, soothing feeling of a sip of hot coco, sweet and satisfying. You want to savor ever drop of it. Hoping that the cup never goes empty, but alas the album ends, dark comes quick in the October sky and the moment is over, but not before one singular kiss. A kiss three seasons in the making.

Just for some reference points I wrote this while listening to a mix of The Legends ‘Up Against The Legends” and The Counting Crows “This Desert Life.”

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