Monday, April 26, 2010

Best Left for Dead

We all have skeletons in our closets. The ‘best’ skeletons stay in the closet, chained in there, but sometimes some of them come out for fresh air, even if we don’t want them to. This scares the shit out of me, because skeletons don’t breath, they don’t need the fresh air. They need to stay in the back of the closet next to your favorite pair of torn up Vans that you can’t bear to throw away. But shit happens and they emerge from the darkness of the closet, not because they are tired of the dark, for they have no eyes, but because someone else has dragged it out. Somehow they decided that the skeleton in the closet named Natalie is more interesting then that classic pair of Vans. When the skeleton is released you deal with the aftermath of the chaos it brings. It is much like cleaning up after the Cat and the Hat, you don’t want to do it, but you have no other choice. You can’t just brush it all under the rug, nor can you make light of the situation by using cute little rhymes. You have to face the skeleton, head on. No lies, No bullshit, No excuses. Time is the one thing that has the potential to help deal with the fall out of a loose skeleton. If you are lucky, time will have decayed the skeleton lessoning the blows it will throw. The stench that it leaves will be more from your raggedy blue Vans, then the actual skeleton itself. Once the skeleton is out and you have dealt with the horrors it has brought, you are left with the option of either putting it back in the closet or leaving it dead on your bedroom floor like a hooker who OD-ed on coke. The option is yours and yours alone. No one would blame you for dragging it back in the closet or leaving it out. Deep down they are just thankful that it was you, not them who had to deal with the escaped skeleton. Survival of the fittest my friend, but how can you survive when what you are dealing with is a dead issue?

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