Monday, April 5, 2010

Your Welcome World

I am officially returning back to the wonderful world of blogging. I am titling this pet project of mine “Live Free or Blog Hard.” I am taking a whole new approach this time. It is going to cover a little bit of everything, serious stuff, light hearted stuff, opinions, maybe a few reviews of random objects, all of it being fairly pointless, yet entertaining to myself. I currently have 50 plus pages of stuff I have written since I retired from blogging that I was saving for a book, but I have decided to ‘release’ some of what I have written. I also plan on re-editing and updating some stuff from my old blog at ( ), but most of the posts will be new and fresh. I assume people have some questions of why I am un-retiring. So here are some ‘frequently asked questions that I hypothetically asked myself.”

Why did I decide to return to blogging?

-I have been thinking of returning to Blogging since January, as a way to help organize all my thoughts and ideas. I also enjoy the voyeuristicness (made up word number 1 of the new blog) of exposing ones mental self to the world. I decided to make the final jump and actually do it, when I was trying to think of a spring resolution and couldn’t settle on anything, so I decided to make writing more my spring resolution and what better way to do that, then in blog format.

Has my spelling and grammar improved?

-No it has not, but I am going to try harder to proof read before I post. Also I may try and find some sort of proof reader/editor. So if interested, apply within.

How frequently am I going to post?

-My plan is to post something every other day, but that might increase or decrease depending on how busy I get and if I have anything that is actually worth saying.

Can other people comment on my posts?

-I believe I have this set up so anyone can comment on a post, even if you don’t have a blog. So feel free to comment on whatever, you want, I enjoy feedback, even if it is negative and you are wrong.

What is my end goal of project “Live Free or Blog Hard”

-The goal is to see what doors, windows, or secret compartments open up to me from sharing my thoughts, ideas, and skewed views of life, love, and liberty. Basically I just want to throw a bunch of stuff into a microwave, turn it on and see what explodes out of it, metaphorically speaking of course. What’s the worst that could happen?

My final thought, read if you want, or don’t read, neither really fazes me, for I am doing this for me and me alone. I am not trying to sell anything or float around propaganda. I am not trying to convert people over to my way of thinking or trying to start some sort of grass roots campaign against the cruel treatment of beavers or anything like that. There is no message, no point. So enjoy.


  1. Wassie...I know you don't know me, but I just wanted to let you know that I love what you do. And I hope that my son turns out to be just like you someday. I currently read your old blog to him as a bedtime story hoping some of it will sink in. I am thrilled I will now have new stuff to enlighten him on as well. Keep up the good work for all of us out there. God bless.

  2. I'm pretty sure you posted that comment yourself. and it's "Phase" not "faze"
