Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"It’s my birthday; I can get drunk and vomit on you if I want to"

To many times we give people a ‘pass’ when they do something stupid on their birthday. Shouldn’t we give their mother a ‘pass’ on their child’s birthday? Basically aren’t we celebrating the fact that the mother decided to have unprotected sex and not abort our good friend Allen? Shouldn’t we be sending those that raised our morally challenged pal, a gift for installing in Allen the ability to put off natural selection for 1 more year? Really what did the birthday person do to deserve a celebration? The answer is nothing. It is almost like rewarding them for using a toilet and not the kitchen sink.

Don’t get me wrong, I have no issues with people that celebrate their birthday in grand style. My roommate goes over the top every year, and I don’t complain. Granted I do mock her when she tries to drag it across 3 months or claims that the universe owes her because it’s her birthday. Birthdays make no sense to me at all. All it is, is a good excuse to party, which is why I am all for holidays like Labor Day and Presidents Day. It is a day where it is all about ‘LOOK AT ME,’ ‘HONOR ME,’ I am surprisingly not that type of person. I want to start a trend where people send cards to the parents of the birthday person and not the actual birthday person. Mix it up a bit. It would open up a whole new market for the greeting card industry and people will use the postal service again. In fact, it might just end the recession.

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