Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year Resolution-1 You-0

The following is part 3 of a 3 part series on New Year Resolutions

95 percent of people fail to complete their New Year Resolution, according to me. So congratulation is due to the 5 percent that actually complete their goal(s). This raises the question of what do you do once you have failed. You could take the route of “I am a complete failure and no one will ever love me” or the ever popular, “well, everyone breaks resolutions, so whatever.” Where ever you fall on the spectrum, you need some sort plan to deal with your failure. Here are some options:

The Rebound Goal- It doesn’t have to be a resolution, just a goal that you can reach and be proud of. It could be as simple as getting out of bed in the morning. You just need something you can do to feel good about yourself

Jump Back on the Wagon-
If by chance you relapsed and started smoking again or eating cake for dinner again, you always have the option to make another crack at your resolution. No need to wait till next year.

Get a Puppy- You will forget about anything that is unimportant (Which most resolutions are). Granted if you don’t want a puppy, shiny objects also work for a lot of people.

Denial- Pretend you did complete your goal. Never underestimate the power of faking it; this should come easily to women. So go out and celebrate like you’re an actual winner, no one will know that you are a failure to the core.

Just remember it is not the end of the world if you fail at your resolution. The sun will still come up tomorrow, no need to be down on yourself, it just proves you are not a mentally strong person, and fairly weak. No one is perfect.

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