Saturday, January 29, 2011

Strokes... NOT Jokes... How About Neither

I just saw a commercial about seeking medical attention if you think you are having a stroke (I back that idea up complexly). The commercial seemed to be a parody off what I can only imagine being Sinbad’s standup comedy about someone having a stroke. What really got me was the fact they ended with the catch phrase “Strokes No Joke.” I recognize what they are going for, what I don’t get is why they are trying to convey a very serious message with a catch phrase that rhymes. No one takes rhyming seriously. “Hugs, Not Drug” didn’t really change the world, but did make a great new t-shirt idea for hipsters. Which is good, for the pot smokers wearing D.A.R.E t-shirt shtick is so 2003. Although, seeing how I am writing about this slogan, maybe it did work, it got the message across, I remember what it was talking about, but it failed in getting me to take it seriously. I think The American Stroke Association was aiming at a satiric approach, but that may not be the best approach, but hey, what do I know, I only have a degree in marketing.

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