Sunday, January 2, 2011

So These Are My New Year Resolutions

The following is part 1 of a 4 part series on my take on everything New Year resolution…granted by the time I am done with this series I will have broken all my resolutions.

With the New Year upon us, comes a time where people make resolutions, but what is considered a resolution? This is always up to conjecture from many people so let me clarify. A resolution is a goal to improve a self assessed flaw or to complete tasks from previous years. So for example, wanting to go white water rafting is NOT a resolution, but wanting to be more adventurous is. The exception to the rule is if there is an extensive training process to reach that goal. For example running a race.

My New Year resolutions are going to go as followed. I am taking a 3 pronged approach to self improvement (body, soul, and mind).

Body- The plan is to do yoga 4 times a week, in hopes I will be flexible and balanced enough to complete my resolution to have sex in a canoe. Granted I am already fairly flexible, but I do need to work on my balance.
Soul-I am finally going to learn to play the guitar, I figure if I practice an hour a day I will be able to bare my soul in the form of lovely music like John Mayer in no time. My goal is to do an acoustic cover of Whitney Houston’s ‘Dance with somebody’ on my Birthday in November.
Mind- I have a tendency to start books and then not finish them. With that being said I am going to finish all the books I have started over the years to give me closure, improve my spelling, and knowledge. The books in no specific order are:

1984 by George Orwell
Einstein’s Dreams by Alan Lightman
How to Write a Movie in 21 Days by Viki King
Congratulations! Now What by Bill Cosby
Before You Leap by Kermit the Frog
Deception Point by Dan Brown
Encyclopedia Volume A (really going to regret my NY Resolution of 2006 to read a set of encyclopedias)

One should always have 2-3 resolutions. More than 3 will stretch you to thin. If you have only 1 you don’t have a back up to fall back on when you break the first.


  1. I can't believe you brought white water rafting into this. If I want it to be a resolution, AKA a goal for the year, it can be. Who made you the resolution rule maker? I'm sticking by my list.

  2. i wrote a loop hole into the whole thing, so it could be a resolution.

  3. Oh and your welcome for giving you the idea for the mind section. I'm hoping you actually finish this one.
