Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Pandemic of Bieber Fever

Every now and then a thought pops into my head that makes me feel much older then I actually am. This is going to make me sound like a father from the 1970’s, but the world is doomed. The future leaders of industry, politics, the visionaries of tomorrow are all currently insane Justin Bieber, Jonas Brothers, and Miley Cyrus super fans. Right now, the first female president of the United States is probably in a fist fight on a middle school playground with her best friend over who is going to marry Bieber. The next financial guru is a boy named Jimmy that loves to rock out to Party in the USA. There is precedent for this. Look at our current recession. My grandparents were right; rock and roll is going to ruin the world. This generation is worse, for at least Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Who made great music, and not auto-tuned, prepubescent poop. I mean pop. You may try to make the argument that these misguided youths are no more insane then the Beatlemania in the 60’s. The Jonas Brothers are no Beatles, musical or talent wise. With technology these days, the hype of the Jo-Bros is 100 times what the Beatles ever were. Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, Youtube and ringtones make ones’ love for an ‘artist’ travel faster than a wildfire in drought ridden California. I digress. The youth may be tech savy, but in the process they are becoming dumber. Their minds are being filled with fluff, they are thinking as a collective and not as an individual. They are becoming brainless zombies to the world of teen pop. They lack original thought, ideas, and wonder. Self examination is gone.

Our only real hope with that generation are the angsty tweens, let’s hope it is just a phase, for they are bright enough to see through the mass produced crap. Sure they are wearing Nirvana t-shirts and weren’t even born when the band was around, but they have the mental tools needed to save the world through original expression. They have hopefully dodged the bullets of Selena Gomez and Twilight books and started reading Hunter S. Thomspon and Kurt Vonnegut at too early of an age. They may look sad and disingenuous about the world around them, but wouldn’t you if you had to deal with sheep whose shepherd is MTV on a daily bases?

You might think I am being a little hard on these 8-13 year olds, which you are probably right. I should be harder on the parents for letting their kids be horrible people. Kidding… Maybe…

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